Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Home Builders Unfairly Targeted in Senate Health Care Bill

Sen. Kohl & Sen. Feingold,
I am a home builder & remodeler. We have a terribly challenging industry right now.

The bill unfairly singles out the construction industry by only giving construction firms an exemption from the bill's employer mandates if a firm employs less than 5 people. Every other industry is granted an exemption if they have fewer than 50 employees.
This narrow provision is an unprecedented assault on the construction industry and unjustly targets an industry trying to keep its doors open during the worst housing downturn since the Great Depression.
Please vote NO on HR 3590.

I can't get through to their Washington office. I recommend that people contact them at their Wisconsin offices. Feingold's staff did not have a statement on this issue; I asked for a call back before the vote is taken so that I know how he stands on it.

Kohl's office was less cooperative and promised a written responses but refused to even consider calling me back before the vote is taken.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

DNR Secretary

Sen. Miller,
I ask that you oppose the change to the law about appointment of the
DNR Secretary.

Accountability to the citizens of this state is the main reason I
oppose this law change. Having the governor who is elected by the
citizens of the state of Wisconsin appoint the DNR secretary is the
best way to make sure the agency stays accountable to the citizens of
the state.

And, while the secretary of the DNR is a very important job why should
the appointment of that secretary be any different than any other
state agency?

While this is rare, I strongly support comments made by Governor Doyle
on this topic in March 2009 when he said, "The governor is now held
more accountable for environmental policy. The governor can no longer
just blame the DNR as in past administrations, but must take
responsibility for policy." Finally Governor Doyle concluded, "I
believe that a system that has a strong board and a quality secretary
appointed by the governor is the most effective."

I also strongly support the comments that current DNR Secretary Matt
Frank made on this matter while testifying in committee on the bill
when he stated: "Accountability starts at the top. It is too easy for
a governor to be let off the hook when he can say he is not
responsible for agency actions because he does not appoint the
secretary. When the governor appoints the DNR secretary it makes him
directly accountable for the conservation and environmental decisions
made by the DNR."

Finally, builders, sportsman, environmentalists and members of both
political parties agree that we must do whatever we can to encourage
Wisconsin-based businesses to grow, recruit new businesses to locate
to our great state and protect Wisconsin's natural resources. A DNR
secretary that is accountable to the governor gives Wisconsin the best
opportunity to keep our environment clean in addition to helping to
streamline the permitting process and get our economy going again by
creating good paying jobs.

I hope that you will agree with me on this issue.

Monday, October 26, 2009

AB472 - Real Estate Appraisals

Dear Rep. Ripp,

It was great to talk to you at my office a few weeks ago about the current business climate and challenges. I am now concerned about AB472 which would prohibit a Realtor from providing an opinion on a property value. It is current practice that homeowners routinely consult a Realtor for questions about the possible value of their home, when they are considering listing or sale but have not yet decided to do so. This would hurt consumers and realtors for several reasons. Please consider:

- Consumers would be required to pay for a more expensive appraisal when such an appraisal is not necessary (divorces and estates) and in areas of the state where licensed appraisers are unwilling to perform this type of work at a dramatically reduced charge.

- Appraisers would have no competition from anyone when determining the value of real estate. By eliminating competition, appraisers will be able to charge more for determining the value of a property.

-It is bad public policy that Realtors will be prevented from providing services to customers unrelated to a real estate transaction without an appraiser license.

Thanks for considering this.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

BOO for removing Ziegelbauer

Rep. Sheridan,
How disappointing and purely political for you to remove Rep. Ziegelbauer from his chairmanship simply because you disagree with him on a vote. How WRONG! You are wrong on your view on abortion, and you are wrong to have used your bully pulpit to push around someone with whom you disagree. SHAME on you.

Thanks for standing up for LIFE!

Rep. Ziegelbauer,
Thank you for standing up for what is right and for LIFE and trying to keep abortion out of the Meriter Madison Surgery Center. I am a user of that facility and I am appalled about what could be happening there. I'm so sorry that you've been removed from your chairmanship. I have done things personally and in my business to stand up for what is right, and I thank you for doing so in the face of opposition.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obamacare = Abortion and the opponents prove my point.

Pro-abortion advocates have shown their duplicity, and I have no doubt that their goal is to use our tax money to pay for abortion. Madeline Anderson's letter in the August 19th Wisconsin State Journal tries to portray things differently. But read carefully she proves my very point.

First she claims that its "a myth that taxpayer dollars would be used to pay for abortions." She then asserts that the "reality" is that private plans "already cover abortion" and that "people should not lose the benefits they currently hold."

Well, Ms. Andersen, which is it? Will the federal tax supported health plan NOT cover abortion and therefore "reduce" benefits, or will my taxes pay for abortion so that you can keep your "benefits"? You can't have it both ways. Both cannot be true!

In contrast, the letter the same day from Barbary Lyons points out that unless abortion is specifically prohibited from the "Obamacare" bill, moves will certainly be made to increase the number of abortions, using our tax dollars. That is clearly the truth.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Course appoval fees (builders)

I ask that you do not implement another fee increase for builder education. You are already collecting fees from us to pay for our registrations and supplement the state coffers. Now you want us to pay to register the classes, so that we can take classes, so that we can pay fees, so that we can be in business? No way!

And don't get this wrong: These fees all get passed on to us and to the consumer one way or another. Whether a class is "free" or not, that cost goes into the expenses of the business offering the class. Whether we pay a fee to go to the class, or whether the business fits it into the overhead of their pricing structure, eventually it goes on to the builder and then to the consumer.

The Builders Associations and businesses offering these courses are your allies. The State was to be responsible for funding builder eduction. Now not only has that funding disappeared, you are proposing for things to go the other direction and to charge the educators!

Finally, won't this actually increase the workload at the DOC? You are proposing that the courses be reviewed every 3 years instead of every 5 years. Why increase your workload?

Clearly, I oppose these changes.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Specific exclusion of abortion from health care reform

Rep Baldwin, Please be sure to specifically exclude abortion from the healthcare reform plan. Also please include specific protections for healthcare providers' rights of conscience. Thank you, Abe J Degnan

Sent 7/27/09 via website

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Agricultural land use value

Senator Miller,

What is happening in the state budget never fails to astound me! I've just learned that the Senate caucus will be considering changing the definition of agricultural land to exclude any land that is platted and zoned for residential, commercial or industrial use. As you know, currently agricultural land is valued based on its use, while all other property is valued based on its highest and best use.

This provision would cause land that is devoted to an agricultural use, but is also platted and zoned for a residential, commercial or industrial use to be valued for property tax purposes at its highest and best use. I oppose this, and I urge you to oppose it as well for three reasons:
  • This will greatly increase housing costs and hurt affordability.
  • This is the worst possible time to be increasing carrying costs on property that will be developed in the future, given the condition of the homebuilding industry.
  • This will also hurt farmers. Farmers frequently lease lands that will be used for future development, and these increased costs would be passed on to them.
Please support a good, common sense budget!

Please Support Glen Grothman's Amendment to prevent abortion at Madison Surgery Center

Senator Miller,
I've contacted you before about the problems with abortion at Madison Surgery Center (message forwarded below). I am writing you at this urgent moment to ask you to support Glen Grothman's budget amendment to stop late-term abortion at UW Health facilities.

As I mentioned in my email earlier this morning, I have not heard any response from you throughout the last several weeks. While I know the JFC keeps you busy, I would be so happy to write you a Thank You note later and be able to support you as my Senator, for standing up for MY issues.

State Budget Issues

Senator Miller,

I’ve written to you several times so far during the budget process but I have yet to hear any response. I’m sure that you’ve been very busy with the JFC. Once more, let me summarize my issues, so that you know where your constituents stand. I write as a member of the Builders Association and as a small business owner.

Liability Expansion Provisions: I support the elimination of the provisions in the budget that expand liability, as was done by the Assembly last week. These expansions are bad not only for businesses and the business climate in the state, but for the citizens of Wisconsin as well.

New 1% Withholding Requirement: I oppose the over-arching policy of the withholding provision on payments made only to construction subcontractors. At a minimum, include a change made in the Assembly that would specify that the 1% withholding by construction contractors to subcontractors and single members LLCs be made “not more frequently than on a quarterly basis.”

Prevailing Wage: Please EXEMPT housing from prevailing wage requirements contained in the state budget. These provisions require in part that prevailing wage be paid on 100% privately funded infrastructure that is turned over to a municipality, such as when improvements are turned over to the municipality under a developer's agreement. This provision will increase the cost of housing and hurt affordability.

I hope that I will later be able to commend you for your work on this budget because I expect that you will support these common-sense, pro-family, pro-housing, pro-economic development items.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Please stop 2nd trimester abortions at Meriter

I strongly object to the UW's and Meriter's decision to open a full-scale, secondtrimester abortion practice within the Madison Surgery Center.

I cannot receive care in the same office where every year over 100 babies who are 20-weeks-old are executed, and when UW doctors have previously experimented on brains and pancreases from such babies. I also do not want my care providers to have to work in a second-trimester abortion facility against their objections.

Therefore, I am informing you now that I refuse to be scheduled at the Madison Surgery Center for any surgery that I may need. Instead, I ask that those surgeries occur at another facility.

For 10 years I have had Physicians Plus as my insurance company, but I am getting ready to drop them and change to another provider. I am evaluating other plans as we speak, but I continue to pray that something will change and allow me to continue with an organization that otherwise, we have been happy with.

As a business owner, I will not have my business dollars going to support the overhead of an organization who provides abortions.

As a hospital user, I will not have my personal dollars going to support the overhead of abortionists!

If I cannot vote on this issue, I will let my money speak!

Please stop performing second trimester abortions.

 Abe J Degnan, President -- Degnan Design Builders, Inc.

Please give to your doctor, and email or mail copies to:

Jeffrey Grossman, M.D.
UW Medical Foundation
7974 UW Health Court
Middleton, WI 53562

James L. Woodward
Meriter Hospital
202 S. Park Street
Madison, WI 53715

Madison Surgery Center
1 South Park Street, 3rd Floor
Madison, WI 53715

Donna Katen-Bahensky
UW Hospital and Clinics
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792

Monday, June 1, 2009

1% withholding in the state budget - OPPOSED

Representative Ripp,

I oppose the overnight insertion of a 1% withholding provision in the state budget.  There are so many things wrong with the current budget, and with this provision - but let me focus on only a couple.

-Why are contractors singled out for this provision?  Why is the government exempt?  The government should be responsible for all the same provisions as public.
-The $25,000 fine is uncalled for. It is unrelated to the severity of the damage done for failure to comply.

This seems to be a punitive and intellectually dishonest.  I trust that you will agree with my position, and I hope that you can rally others to stand opposed to the liberal lunacy.

via email 6/1/09.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Don't raise lot prices by changing Prevailing Wage laws

To the Joint Finance Committee,

I've just learned of plans to again change prevailing wage standards related to DWD interpretations.  As I've been told this would require that prevailing wages be paid on items such as sidewalks, trees, parks and streets constructed entirely by a private residential developer, even though these items are paid for entirely with private dollars.  This will have a direct impact on the cost of housing and could increase home prices by an estimated 20-40%.  This is contrary to how residential developments have been done in this state and would specifically overturn well-established case law.

I object to this major issue being inserted into the Budget at literally the last minute.  Moreover, this will change how developments have historically been done in this state, and will increase housing costs, at a time when the housing industry is at historic lows. 

I cannot afford higher lot prices!  My clients cannot afford higher lot prices!  This is the wrong time and the wrong way for this change.  If you wish to consider this please do so in a separate bill with public hearings, not in the state budget!

Sent 5/22/09 to:

Monday, May 18, 2009

Changes to Prevailing Wage do not belong in the State Budget

Senators and Representatives of the Joint Finance Committee,

I am writing to oppose the changes to the Prevailing Wage system.  As a small business owner, and as a taxpayer and former local elected official, I oppose these changes!

This will hurt economic development by adding costs to municipal government and TIF districts. It will raise costs to local taxpayers at a time when we can least afford it – especially so as the State considers reducing its aid payments to local governments!  This is not acceptable.

This also affects housing – it makes projects more expensive when it is applied to municipal projects or street/sewer/water projects.

We can least afford a change like this right now. Especially when it is hidden inside of a BUDGET bill.  This is the WRONG PLACE for this, and also the wrong time for our state.

Sent 4/18/09 to:


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stop Abortion at Meriter

Sen. Miller,

I cannot tell you how disappointed, troubled, disgusted, and sickened I am about Meriter's decision to allow abortions at their clinic. As you know I am one of your constituents and I am also a business owner in your district. I have several employees in the district as well. For 10 years I have had Physicians Plus as my insurance company, but I am getting ready to drop them and change to another provider. I am evaluating other plans as we speak, but I continue to pray that something will change and allow me to continue with an organization that otherwise, we have been happy with.

As a business owner, I will not have my business dollars going to support the overhead of an organization who provides abortions.

As a hospital user, I will not have my personal dollars going to support the overhead of abortionists!

If I cannot vote on this issue, I will let my money speak!

I will let my vote for your re-election speak!

Now, as I understand that you will be voting on the UW Hospital & Clinics Authority Board, I urge you to reject Roger Axtell and Mike Weiden. These men who support abortion at Meriter should not be on the board! 

This is URGENT! I understand that the vote will take place on Thursday. Please stand up for my rights as a citizen, my rights as a business man, my right as your constituent! I do not want to be in the position, but I will not have my dollars support an organization which provides abortions. I pray that something can change. I pray that your conscience and your duty as an elected official will guide you to vote against Axtell and Weiden.


Abe J Degnan, President -- Degnan Design Builders, Inc.

(Sent to Sen. Miller's email 4/21/09)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Prevent Lawsuit Abuse - no changes to Joint & Several Liability

Dear Reps & Senators of the Joint Finance Committee,
Please remove the state budget provisions that would increase the risk of lawsuit abuse. The changes to joint and several liability would make Wisconsin an EVEN WORSE state in which to do business. 

At this time of economic downturn, with job losses in paper companies, GM and related companies in Janesville, and countless other industries, we cannot afford this risk!  We need growth in jobs for the economy and the tax base. Job growth will create the change we need.

As a small business owner, one legitimate mistake (let alone one frivolous lawsuit) can put me out of business.  I cannot afford the risk of frivolous lawsuits that you invite by these changes. These things do NOT belong in a state BUDGET!  If you want to debate these changes on their own merits, please do so. But do not force these changes upon us under the guise of a budget bill.

Sent to: