Thursday, August 6, 2009

Course appoval fees (builders)

I ask that you do not implement another fee increase for builder education. You are already collecting fees from us to pay for our registrations and supplement the state coffers. Now you want us to pay to register the classes, so that we can take classes, so that we can pay fees, so that we can be in business? No way!

And don't get this wrong: These fees all get passed on to us and to the consumer one way or another. Whether a class is "free" or not, that cost goes into the expenses of the business offering the class. Whether we pay a fee to go to the class, or whether the business fits it into the overhead of their pricing structure, eventually it goes on to the builder and then to the consumer.

The Builders Associations and businesses offering these courses are your allies. The State was to be responsible for funding builder eduction. Now not only has that funding disappeared, you are proposing for things to go the other direction and to charge the educators!

Finally, won't this actually increase the workload at the DOC? You are proposing that the courses be reviewed every 3 years instead of every 5 years. Why increase your workload?

Clearly, I oppose these changes.

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