Thursday, August 20, 2009

Obamacare = Abortion and the opponents prove my point.

Pro-abortion advocates have shown their duplicity, and I have no doubt that their goal is to use our tax money to pay for abortion. Madeline Anderson's letter in the August 19th Wisconsin State Journal tries to portray things differently. But read carefully she proves my very point.

First she claims that its "a myth that taxpayer dollars would be used to pay for abortions." She then asserts that the "reality" is that private plans "already cover abortion" and that "people should not lose the benefits they currently hold."

Well, Ms. Andersen, which is it? Will the federal tax supported health plan NOT cover abortion and therefore "reduce" benefits, or will my taxes pay for abortion so that you can keep your "benefits"? You can't have it both ways. Both cannot be true!

In contrast, the letter the same day from Barbary Lyons points out that unless abortion is specifically prohibited from the "Obamacare" bill, moves will certainly be made to increase the number of abortions, using our tax dollars. That is clearly the truth.

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