Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Home Builders Unfairly Targeted in Senate Health Care Bill

Sen. Kohl & Sen. Feingold,
I am a home builder & remodeler. We have a terribly challenging industry right now.

The bill unfairly singles out the construction industry by only giving construction firms an exemption from the bill's employer mandates if a firm employs less than 5 people. Every other industry is granted an exemption if they have fewer than 50 employees.
This narrow provision is an unprecedented assault on the construction industry and unjustly targets an industry trying to keep its doors open during the worst housing downturn since the Great Depression.
Please vote NO on HR 3590.

I can't get through to their Washington office. I recommend that people contact them at their Wisconsin offices. Feingold's staff did not have a statement on this issue; I asked for a call back before the vote is taken so that I know how he stands on it.

Kohl's office was less cooperative and promised a written responses but refused to even consider calling me back before the vote is taken.

1 comment:

  1. This gets me into thinking. Why like this? What's the update now?
    By the way, please click here for some information regarding what I'm up to.
