Monday, February 22, 2010

Abortion is NOT Health Care

As a pro-life American, I remain deeply concerned at the possibility of
government-funded abortion as a part of health care reform. The majority
of Americans self-identify as pro-life and overwhelmingly, Americans do
not want their hard earned money to go towards paying for the abortions of

I am writing to you today to demand clear language in any health care
legislation that says my tax dollars will not be used for to pay for the
killing of innocent unborn boys and girls. I am demanding that you make
this a priority and vote against any health care legislation that does

As it stands in the Senate bill, taxpayer dollars would be spent on health
care plans that fund elective abortions. No legislation should advance by
any legislative maneuvering should it not explicitly contain Stupak
language that was contained in the House bill.

I am part of the 80% of Americans who do not want federal dollars to pay
for abortions. I urge you to reject any health care bill that does not
include the Stupak language contained in the House bill. Anything less
then Stupak language, or not addressing the issue of abortion all
together, is unacceptable.

Message sent to the following recipients:
Senator Feingold
Senator Kohl

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