Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To Minority Leader John Boehner

As the Minority Leader, on Thursday you will be my voice since my local congressional representation is the pro-abortion Tammy Baldwin. Please speak for me an the 72% of Americans who do not want federal funding of abortion.

On Thursday, please ask the following question:

President Obama, on September 9, 2009, you promised the American taxpayers that under your health care plan there would not be federal funding for abortion. Why then, was the bipartisan Stupak amendment, which banned federal funds from going to pay for abortion on-demand, not included in your health care proposal?

Sent via fax, 202-225-0704 on 2/24/2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Abortion is NOT Health Care

As a pro-life American, I remain deeply concerned at the possibility of
government-funded abortion as a part of health care reform. The majority
of Americans self-identify as pro-life and overwhelmingly, Americans do
not want their hard earned money to go towards paying for the abortions of

I am writing to you today to demand clear language in any health care
legislation that says my tax dollars will not be used for to pay for the
killing of innocent unborn boys and girls. I am demanding that you make
this a priority and vote against any health care legislation that does

As it stands in the Senate bill, taxpayer dollars would be spent on health
care plans that fund elective abortions. No legislation should advance by
any legislative maneuvering should it not explicitly contain Stupak
language that was contained in the House bill.

I am part of the 80% of Americans who do not want federal dollars to pay
for abortions. I urge you to reject any health care bill that does not
include the Stupak language contained in the House bill. Anything less
then Stupak language, or not addressing the issue of abortion all
together, is unacceptable.

Message sent to the following recipients:
Senator Feingold
Senator Kohl

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Home Builders Unfairly Targeted in Senate Health Care Bill

Sen. Kohl & Sen. Feingold,
I am a home builder & remodeler. We have a terribly challenging industry right now.

The bill unfairly singles out the construction industry by only giving construction firms an exemption from the bill's employer mandates if a firm employs less than 5 people. Every other industry is granted an exemption if they have fewer than 50 employees.
This narrow provision is an unprecedented assault on the construction industry and unjustly targets an industry trying to keep its doors open during the worst housing downturn since the Great Depression.
Please vote NO on HR 3590.

I can't get through to their Washington office. I recommend that people contact them at their Wisconsin offices. Feingold's staff did not have a statement on this issue; I asked for a call back before the vote is taken so that I know how he stands on it.

Kohl's office was less cooperative and promised a written responses but refused to even consider calling me back before the vote is taken.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

DNR Secretary

Sen. Miller,
I ask that you oppose the change to the law about appointment of the
DNR Secretary.

Accountability to the citizens of this state is the main reason I
oppose this law change. Having the governor who is elected by the
citizens of the state of Wisconsin appoint the DNR secretary is the
best way to make sure the agency stays accountable to the citizens of
the state.

And, while the secretary of the DNR is a very important job why should
the appointment of that secretary be any different than any other
state agency?

While this is rare, I strongly support comments made by Governor Doyle
on this topic in March 2009 when he said, "The governor is now held
more accountable for environmental policy. The governor can no longer
just blame the DNR as in past administrations, but must take
responsibility for policy." Finally Governor Doyle concluded, "I
believe that a system that has a strong board and a quality secretary
appointed by the governor is the most effective."

I also strongly support the comments that current DNR Secretary Matt
Frank made on this matter while testifying in committee on the bill
when he stated: "Accountability starts at the top. It is too easy for
a governor to be let off the hook when he can say he is not
responsible for agency actions because he does not appoint the
secretary. When the governor appoints the DNR secretary it makes him
directly accountable for the conservation and environmental decisions
made by the DNR."

Finally, builders, sportsman, environmentalists and members of both
political parties agree that we must do whatever we can to encourage
Wisconsin-based businesses to grow, recruit new businesses to locate
to our great state and protect Wisconsin's natural resources. A DNR
secretary that is accountable to the governor gives Wisconsin the best
opportunity to keep our environment clean in addition to helping to
streamline the permitting process and get our economy going again by
creating good paying jobs.

I hope that you will agree with me on this issue.

Monday, October 26, 2009

AB472 - Real Estate Appraisals

Dear Rep. Ripp,

It was great to talk to you at my office a few weeks ago about the current business climate and challenges. I am now concerned about AB472 which would prohibit a Realtor from providing an opinion on a property value. It is current practice that homeowners routinely consult a Realtor for questions about the possible value of their home, when they are considering listing or sale but have not yet decided to do so. This would hurt consumers and realtors for several reasons. Please consider:

- Consumers would be required to pay for a more expensive appraisal when such an appraisal is not necessary (divorces and estates) and in areas of the state where licensed appraisers are unwilling to perform this type of work at a dramatically reduced charge.

- Appraisers would have no competition from anyone when determining the value of real estate. By eliminating competition, appraisers will be able to charge more for determining the value of a property.

-It is bad public policy that Realtors will be prevented from providing services to customers unrelated to a real estate transaction without an appraiser license.

Thanks for considering this.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

BOO for removing Ziegelbauer

Rep. Sheridan,
How disappointing and purely political for you to remove Rep. Ziegelbauer from his chairmanship simply because you disagree with him on a vote. How WRONG! You are wrong on your view on abortion, and you are wrong to have used your bully pulpit to push around someone with whom you disagree. SHAME on you.

Thanks for standing up for LIFE!

Rep. Ziegelbauer,
Thank you for standing up for what is right and for LIFE and trying to keep abortion out of the Meriter Madison Surgery Center. I am a user of that facility and I am appalled about what could be happening there. I'm so sorry that you've been removed from your chairmanship. I have done things personally and in my business to stand up for what is right, and I thank you for doing so in the face of opposition.