Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stop Abortion at Meriter

Sen. Miller,

I cannot tell you how disappointed, troubled, disgusted, and sickened I am about Meriter's decision to allow abortions at their clinic. As you know I am one of your constituents and I am also a business owner in your district. I have several employees in the district as well. For 10 years I have had Physicians Plus as my insurance company, but I am getting ready to drop them and change to another provider. I am evaluating other plans as we speak, but I continue to pray that something will change and allow me to continue with an organization that otherwise, we have been happy with.

As a business owner, I will not have my business dollars going to support the overhead of an organization who provides abortions.

As a hospital user, I will not have my personal dollars going to support the overhead of abortionists!

If I cannot vote on this issue, I will let my money speak!

I will let my vote for your re-election speak!

Now, as I understand that you will be voting on the UW Hospital & Clinics Authority Board, I urge you to reject Roger Axtell and Mike Weiden. These men who support abortion at Meriter should not be on the board! 

This is URGENT! I understand that the vote will take place on Thursday. Please stand up for my rights as a citizen, my rights as a business man, my right as your constituent! I do not want to be in the position, but I will not have my dollars support an organization which provides abortions. I pray that something can change. I pray that your conscience and your duty as an elected official will guide you to vote against Axtell and Weiden.


Abe J Degnan, President -- Degnan Design Builders, Inc.

(Sent to Sen. Miller's email 4/21/09)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Prevent Lawsuit Abuse - no changes to Joint & Several Liability

Dear Reps & Senators of the Joint Finance Committee,
Please remove the state budget provisions that would increase the risk of lawsuit abuse. The changes to joint and several liability would make Wisconsin an EVEN WORSE state in which to do business. 

At this time of economic downturn, with job losses in paper companies, GM and related companies in Janesville, and countless other industries, we cannot afford this risk!  We need growth in jobs for the economy and the tax base. Job growth will create the change we need.

As a small business owner, one legitimate mistake (let alone one frivolous lawsuit) can put me out of business.  I cannot afford the risk of frivolous lawsuits that you invite by these changes. These things do NOT belong in a state BUDGET!  If you want to debate these changes on their own merits, please do so. But do not force these changes upon us under the guise of a budget bill.

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