Tuesday, November 3, 2009

DNR Secretary

Sen. Miller,
I ask that you oppose the change to the law about appointment of the
DNR Secretary.

Accountability to the citizens of this state is the main reason I
oppose this law change. Having the governor who is elected by the
citizens of the state of Wisconsin appoint the DNR secretary is the
best way to make sure the agency stays accountable to the citizens of
the state.

And, while the secretary of the DNR is a very important job why should
the appointment of that secretary be any different than any other
state agency?

While this is rare, I strongly support comments made by Governor Doyle
on this topic in March 2009 when he said, "The governor is now held
more accountable for environmental policy. The governor can no longer
just blame the DNR as in past administrations, but must take
responsibility for policy." Finally Governor Doyle concluded, "I
believe that a system that has a strong board and a quality secretary
appointed by the governor is the most effective."

I also strongly support the comments that current DNR Secretary Matt
Frank made on this matter while testifying in committee on the bill
when he stated: "Accountability starts at the top. It is too easy for
a governor to be let off the hook when he can say he is not
responsible for agency actions because he does not appoint the
secretary. When the governor appoints the DNR secretary it makes him
directly accountable for the conservation and environmental decisions
made by the DNR."

Finally, builders, sportsman, environmentalists and members of both
political parties agree that we must do whatever we can to encourage
Wisconsin-based businesses to grow, recruit new businesses to locate
to our great state and protect Wisconsin's natural resources. A DNR
secretary that is accountable to the governor gives Wisconsin the best
opportunity to keep our environment clean in addition to helping to
streamline the permitting process and get our economy going again by
creating good paying jobs.

I hope that you will agree with me on this issue.